Friday, April 10, 2009

A Fresh Effort

This space has been silent. And going by the memory of the internet (read ‘logs’), it seems it was almost an year ago that this space showed signs of any life.

One might ponder over the apparent bursts of life followed by long bouts of silence. One might even conclude that there was nothing to put up. Or maybe just too much that it never got done. Till a couple of moments ago I believed at least one of these reasons to be the true excuse.

I now believe that it’s more likely that just like a lot of us, this space has been seeking its identity, its purpose of existence. Choosing silence in the interim over relentless chatter cluttering up the purity of the still mind. I am not sure if the silence helped find oneself, or just helped lose oneself into nothingness.

Maybe its as important just being whatever one is, as it is important knowing what one really is.
And thus, I break my silence. Or so I would like to be at this moment..

This Pause

Raindrops falling
Outside my window
Dancing relentless on the walkway

Hands clutching
A warm coffee
Breathing meaning into my life

Mind numb
Reliving tranquil moments
Love lost, you and me!