Thursday, September 06, 2012

Lessons from a Teacher

Walked into the usual haircut spot
regular guy wasn't there;
I mixed up his weekly day off

Saw a new face scissors et all,
still very out of place;
tentative of things around, almost his own self too

Never been worried 'oer the outcome,
hairstyle is but Maya;
monthly speck in a transitory consciousness

Even though today was irritable,
Frowning impatient worried even;
The inner voice rebuked at self perspective lost (Maya and all that etc)

Calm restored Mind pleased at self control,
Behold - anger irritability impatience now directed at new face;
Ruining it slowness agonizing unfit for the job!

Moments pass staring at new face mirrored,
Diligent earnest concerned snipping;
Eager to please even

Snip by snip hair fall,
Snip by snip pity humility tears rise;
Wailing heart rebuking its pettiness

New face tried,
Intent to give his best careful meticulous;
My disapproving frown irrespective

Unloving was my heart drowned in illusion,
of some imagined end state or idealist comparison;
Ingrate haughty blind
to sincerity
to acceptance
to being human

Slowly I smiled,
no longer the result concerned;
Overwhelmed with the life lesson learnt

Teachers day once again!