Friday, June 22, 2012

Streets of life

People never fail to delight us.
Whether it is the good in their hearts, or the evil that lurks beneath; the consistency in their ways, or metamorphosis into just someone new.. they never fail to bring a smile. If only, we learn to have faith & allow ourselves to be pleasantly surprised.

Walking down the paths of our lives, now meandering, now seemingly straight, we touch a ton of souls.
Some of them we run into by chance, again and again; and discover that this is the only connection we have with them.
Others, we seem to run away from, inexplicably; only to find our most cherished relationships evolving from these.

Quite often, as if to merely strike a balance, life makes us walk towards those we least want to.. and find ourselves extending a touch of comfort. Other days, it makes us walk away from those we just can't seem to live without.

One way or another, my existence has been nomadic. Even if my physical being was firmly rooted in one place, I have felt a longing to move.I believe I have, what is a gypsy heart.

Ever yearning to move, to experience; to expand my world and envelope it all. For as long as I can remember, I have needed to embrace the world, to feel its vibrant pulse; to relate, and to belong. And as many times, I have felt the pain of having to let someone move away.. or rather move on with their journeys.

With time, or age, a deeper understanding gained root. Or maybe it was just me making peace with the ebb and flow of relationships -- if life is a journey, it is naive for me to assume, even want, to be a destination for someone.

Like the highways of the world, there would be people whose journeys will join mine somewhere in between; others maybe at the very end. There would be those who started out together, almost as one, only to diverge into a different sunset; others that were lost once, maybe never to meet again.

But the ones that make it most beautiful, are the ones that go away, but keep it in their hearts to cross paths again. Not because of destiny, nor necessity.. but simply because something tells them its worth it!!

Not so long ago, one such soul reached out..
and Yes, I was delighted :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The pin that didn't fall

Fingers slip out of the holes
And the ball hits the creaking wood, rolling, spinning, turning,
hurtling onto the target

With a crack of a sound rams headlong
Bringing them down in a tumbling mass of pins
All 8 of them; save 1

Twist of fate or plain lucky;
Stronger and hopeful, or praying and waiting;
Different from the world or simply lonely!

How does, the lone standing one feel?
I wonder...